Our Mission

Our mission is to foster the success of our students and the communities they belong to who aspire self-fulfillment and competitiveness in a global society, to be achieved through co-operation, community and racial values and thus becoming a light to nations.

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At FJMHSS, our prime focus is on the evolution of children as internationally minded citizens, who will be placed firmly on the path of all-round educational expansion. Crafted with inquisitive zeal, the curriculum is aimed at instilling the love for life-long learning.

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Let your child shape the future

Every day is new. Every year is a fresh start. Human being has transformed the world and will continue to do it again for centuries to come. The role of a school in the process of transforming the society and thereby the world.

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Welcome To Our Campus

The challenge of creating a positive atmosphere transcends the debate of whether our schools need to become more goals oriented, and more accountable for their results. It is about making school a place where children feel challenged but competent, where they work hard but enjoy it, where achievement is the product but not the sole objective.

We aim at making education a total learning experience. Our objective is the integral development of the human person. We aspire to provide the young people a sound basis for Higher Education as well as for life. Excellence and Equity are our twin goals. We assist the students in maximizing their abilities and instilling in them a sense of abiding values. We are passionate to shape them into mentally alert, socially sensitive and morally committed and individuals.

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Apply for Admission

Admission for 2021 applications are now open

Since we are passing throught a world wide covid19 pandemic we are reciving applications for addmission throught online. Students from std 1 to 10 can submit the form, and we will connect with you in few hrs.

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from one to Twelve


passed out

Principal's Message

At the very outset, we cordially welcome you to FJMHSS Muvattupuzha. As an ardent educationist, I feel that we are creating an environment for future leaders entrepreneurs and professionals who possess skills and aptitude in various fields . As the instructional leader of FJMHSS I focus on developing and drawing out the hidden talents inside all our students. I am very happy with the progress the school has made over the past years. I urge all the teachers to create appropriate, meaningful and participative learning situations including life skills in the children. Empowered Zealous faculties, efficient student supported etc.. add strength to our institution. Last but not the least I expect all my children focus on their cherished goals and strive hard to accomplish them.

Warm regards.
Mini P.K, Principal

Mini P.K


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Latest Posts

NSS Better Bets
May 10, 2021

NSS team started a new program to help people in this pandamic situation

Online Competions

School had conducted many online competions in the last year since our classes were online.

May 19, 2021

Webinars were conducted for students to motivate and orient them to face this pandemic situation. By collabourating with the JCI team Ernakulam.

News & Events



Class starting for +1

Under the circumstance of Covid 19, we are not sure about the date of result publication of Class X. As the result publication is pending, there will be delay in the next academic year for Class XI (2020-2021). So, we are staring Introductory online classes with scheduled time table with effect from 1st June 2020. Those who wish to get admission to Class XI for the next academic year, kindly fill up and submit the online application form at the earliest.



Admission Started